
All about refunds

Refund Policy

  1. Fee once paid is non-refundable and non-adjustable.
  2. If a student misses a class, he/she will be marked as absent for that class and the student can make up that class providing there is another appropriate class to go into.
  3. If classes are missed due to holidays or any other commitments you will not be entitled to a refund.
  4. If classes are missed due to illness, then we shall adjust the fees accordingly but no refund will be provided.
  5. In case if any of our faculty cancels a class, then a cover up will be provided for the missed session.
  6. The studio shall remain closed only on National Holidays of India and no classes will be covered up for the same.
  7. If we are forced to close the studio due an event out of our control i.e. pandemic, natural disaster, political protests, or terrorism, then classes will continue to be delivered online via Zoom. Fee’s for classes will remain outstanding and refunds will not be available. This is to ensure that classes can continue to operate during this challenging period and again once the restrictions are lifted, the studio returns to normal scheduling.